Effectiveness of the social rights: analysis of the “tutela” judgment and the public politics for their protection in the Magdalena Medio in Antioquia
social rights, public politics, focus of rights, constitutional judgeAbstract
The implementation of public politics constitutes the instrument par excellence for attain the normative efficacy of the constitutional rights,specially the callssocial rights, which, up to now, has been a work of the constitutional judges and don´t a work of democratic organs. In this way, is expected that before the existence of the public politics for attend those rights, the number of “tutela” actions for demand their protection in particular cases reduces. In the project of investigation development in the towns of Maceo, Puerto Nare and Puerto Berrío, was analyzed the protection of social rights made for the constitutional judges through “tutela” action how indicator of their guarantee – or absence of this- by means of public actions.
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