The democratic education of citizens for governing the polis: challenges, expectations and utopias


  • Joan Pagès Blanch Autonomous University of Barcelona


politics, politics teaching, democracy, educational research


The political education of citizens should start in the school, a privileged place to learn about democracy
and to learn to live democratically. This goal is still a challenge in most schools worldwide. This article
raises, in the first place, the reasons for the teaching of politics today and some of its background. Secondly,
it presents some research results that show that young people can and want to learn about politics. Finally, it
presents some reflections on what we should teach in politics today and how we should teach it.

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Author Biography

Joan Pagès Blanch, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Professor of Didactics of Social Sciences


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How to Cite

Pagès Blanch, J. (2019). The democratic education of citizens for governing the polis: challenges, expectations and utopias. Revista Educación Y Pedagogía, 27(69-70), 55–65. Retrieved from


