Three stories, three views, manifold alternatives. Experiences on Teaching English in Colombia in Times of Globalisation
Foreign language teaching, teacher formation, integral language, critical reflexive educators, globalisationAbstract
The importance of engaging in processes of reflection and critique at work and position of teachers is put in the spotlight here as a necessary step in the formation of foreign language professors, during times of globalisation and towards the adoption of international standards. Starting from our own reflection as teachers, the critical identification of conceptual and socio-cultural aspects having an influence on us, conditioning and determining us, the search for our own identity is gone in depth, in order to advance methodological choices allowing future teachers being empowered by their own critical reflexive role in their own educational practices.
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Díaz, Claudia, Juan Carlos Guerra y Zoraida Rodríguez, “Tres historias, tres perspectivas, múltiples alternativas. Experiencias con la enseñanza del inglés en Colombia, en tiempos de globalización”, Revista Educación y Pedagogía, Medellín, Universidad de Antioquia, Facultad de Educación, vol. XX, núm. 51, (mayo-agosto), 2008, pp. 77-96.
Received: december 2007
Accepted: february 2008
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