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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The document has not been previously published or submitted to another journal.
  • The submitted file is a Microsoft Word document.
  • Web addresses have been added for references, when possible.
  • The document is written according with sections polices.
  • The document complies with the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the Guidelines for authors, which can be found in “About this Journal”.
  • If submmiting a document to a peer-reviewed section of the Journal, the authors have to make sure that the instructions (see Ensuring a blind review by experts) have been followed.

Author Guidelines

General policies

Uni-pluriversidad is a publication of the Faculty of Education of the University of Antioquia. Its objective is to serve as a means of communication for the community of researchers and intellectuals in the field of education, allowing them to formulate their proposals and initiatives and present their research results in order to contribute to the improvement of the teaching processes at all levels of the educational system related to training in social and human sciences, experimental sciences and mathematics. On the other hand, we want researchers, intellectuals, teachers, teaching directors and those responsible for public education policies to connect among them and with society. Our mission is to form a large group of thinkers in Colombia and abroad to reflect about and improve the processes and results of Education.

Uni-pluriversidad is a biannual electronic publication, addressed to managers, administrators, researchers, teachers and students from all areas and levels of education and to the members of the educational community in general. 


The Journal receives articles in Spanish, Portuguese and English and publishes them electronically through the Open Journal System.

The journal receives articles in Spanish, Portuguese and English.

Responsibility and commitment policies

As described in the "Publication Ethics Code" section, the assigned evaluators will commit themselves: (a) not to communicate the texts submitted to evaluation to third parties, (b) to maintain the usual duty of reservation regarding what they evaluate, (c) not to use information inappropriately and (d) to respect copyright.

Authors, for their part, (a) will declare to know the Colombian and international norms accepted in the academic world regarding copyright protection, (b) will not transgress copyright norms in the documents submmited to the Journal, (c) will assume the responsibility for their documents’ content and  (d) will be accountable for any claim, judicial or not, to the University of Antioquia or the Journal related to their documents.

Submmited articles must be unpublished and not approved for publication in another journal. Publication of articles in Uni-pluriversidad does not imply any remuneration; editing rights belong to the Journal. The Journal follows an open access policy (Consult Journal Policies)

It is presupposed that authors accept that their published works will appear online through the Open Journal System.

In case of errors due to the editing process (exchanged paragraphs, omission of footnotes, etc.), the author may claim for the article to be corrected and published in the next issue.

Author’s information

Each one of the authors must provide, on the journal's platform, information about institutional affiliation, email, ORCID code, Google Scholar profile and a brief professional and academic profile of no more than 5 lines. In all types of articles, they must specify the knowledge area. In review articles or scientific or technological research articles, they must indicate the project from which the article originates and its financial source.

Style standards

Articles in the section "Research Reports and Unpublished Essays" must have: a summary of no more than 300 words and a maximum of five keywords (in the original language and in English; if the original language is English, it must contain a summary in Spanish). Footnotes are not permited, but Endnote can be used . Illustrations, tables and graphs must be numbered and have their corresponding title and legend; bibliographic references should be indicated within the text according to the 7th American Psychological Association (APA) standards. Research articles should mention, at the end, title of the project, authors, year of execution and funding entity. 

In case of articles about pedagogical curricular and teaching innovations, the same format as research articles should be followed and adjusted to a maximum of 6000 words, including references.

For Book Reviews Section: reviewed book should be identified as follows: Author of the book (year). Title (in italics). City: publisher, number of pages. ISBN. Name of the reviewer. In case of translation or partial reproduction, the respective authorization is required.



This section includes the following types of articles (Maximum length 8000 words):

Articles of scientific and technological research. Document that presents in a detailed way the original results of finished research projects. The structure generally contains, at least, the following sections: summary, keywords, introduction, methodology, results, conclusions, bibliography.

Reflection Article. Document that presents the research results from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author on a specific topic, using original sources.

Review article. Document that presents the results of finished research. It analyzes, systematizes and integrates results of published or unpublished research on a field in science or technology, in order to present advances and development trends. It is characterized by a careful bibliographical review of at least fifty references.

Short article. Brief document that presents the preliminary or partial original results of a scientific or technological investigation. It usually requires an early dissemination.

Case report. Document that presents the results of a study on a particular situation in order to present the technical and methodological experiences considered in that specific case. It includes a systematic review of the literature on analogous cases.

Review of a topic. Document resulting from the systematic, meta-analytical or critical review of the literature on a particular topic.


This section includes documents that describe in a detailed and rigorous way innovation products aiming to transfer research-derived knowledge to the daily life of educational institutions, governmental entities or other institutions that can benefit from research results. Maximum length of documents is 6000 words.


This section offers an opportunity to publish interviews with well-known personalities and academics whose topics of interest fit the editorial policy of the Journal.


This section is offered as a means of disseminating critical reviews of recently published books and lately presented theses and research experiences. The maximum extension is 3000 words.


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses provided to this Journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated herein and will not be available for any other purpose or other person.