The scope of tasks assigned by statistics professors


  • Lucía Zapata Cardona University of Antioquia



statistical thinking, statistical education, statistical tasks, teacher action


This article presents the results of a study on the tasks assigned by statistics professors in the classroom and their ability to promote statistical  thinking in the light of the research  cycle. The methodology followed the principles of qualitative paradigm of an interpretative nature. Sources of information included documented observation of 18 statistics classes at various education levels in two major cities of Colombia, interviews with professors, and documentation techniques. The Atlas.ti software was used to support content analysis. The most relevant results indicate that tasks assigned by statistics professors are varied but fall short to promote statistical thought. Some tasks valued data rather than data collection plans and other early stages of the research cycle; others focused solely on analysis; very few began by stating a problem, and a considerable number of them focused on algorithmic procedures rather than encouraging statistical thinking.

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Author Biography

Lucía Zapata Cardona, University of Antioquia

Professor at the University of Antioquia. Ph.D. in Mathematics Education from the University of Georgia.


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How to Cite

Zapata Cardona, L. (2014). The scope of tasks assigned by statistics professors. Uni-Pluriversidad, 14(1), 53–62.

