Attitudes towards accreditation among teachers of the Huánuco Region, Peru
attitudes, accreditation, professional training, teachersAbstract
This article summarizes a research project carried out with the intention of associating attitudes towards accreditation with age, professional training, and the job position of teachers in the state schools of the Huánuco Region in Peru. To that end, the scale of attitudes toward accreditation was provided to 403 teachers of basic education state schools in the Huánuco Region in the year 2015. The inferential analysis was conducted with the chi square test. The results show that attitudes toward accreditation are associated with age (P = 0,006) and professional training of teachers in schools of the Huánuco Region (P = 0,007), while no significant differences were found in associating attitudes towards accreditation with teachers’ positions (P = 0,148).
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