Analysis of teaching experiences and programs for conflict resolution




teaching learning process, alternative resolution of disputes, constructivism, active learning


The teaching of conflict resolution is a subject that has been researched in the social sciences for some 70 years. As part of the interest in this field, “Education in Conflict Resolution” has emerged, a branch that asks about the best way to promote the learning of strategies and their effective use in reality. Some data on research in the field of conflict resolution in recent years are proposed and various proposals for programs for the teaching of conflict resolution are analyzed, indicating key aspects of them. It is concluded that for the success of these programs in the school environment it is necessary to link not only the students but also the teachers and the parents; The importance of mediator-based programs, reflective teaching, active learning-based programs and the fact that students, when facing a conflict, prioritize relationships with others over their personal interests is highlighted.

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Author Biographies

John Franklin Solórzano- Restrepo, National University of Colombia

Psychologist National University of Colombia. Specialist and candidate for Master in Applied Technologies in Education, National Pedagogical University. Research Professor, Cervantina University Foundation San Agustín.

David González , Catholic University of Colombia

Psychologist at the National University of Colombia, Master in Psychology at the Catholic University of Colombia.


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How to Cite

Solórzano- Restrepo, J. F., & González , D. . (2018). Analysis of teaching experiences and programs for conflict resolution. Uni-Pluriversidad, 17(2), 47–54.

