Towards a new generation of social policy
democracy, public policies, social policyAbstract
Real natural that has Latin America and the Caribbean areone of the potential wealth for the development of theregion. Throughout its history, in several stages, thesecountries became some of the most flourishing of the worldthanks to the production of metals and precious stones, sugar, rubber, grains, coffee, and oil, primary commodities, the existence of extensive courses surface water, largeaquifers, coasts and seas delicious in production, geneticbiodiversity, etc., which in many ways, they have altered the course of history in the world in general and in Latin Americaand the Caribbean in particular.
After several decades of exploitation and subjugation, hasbeen strengthening from the end of the 1990s, mostvigorous processes of democratization, as a result of newsocial movements that claim and participate as politicalactors, and they try to transform the hegemonic relations ofpower through a collective construction, responding to thespecificities of each society and to the context in which theyoperate.
Currently the richest 10% is owner of 48% of the total annualincome, and the poorest 10%, only of 1.6%, constituting thisinequality, one of the causes of poverty in Latin America andthe Caribbean, as in the rest of the world. Is for this reasonthat the reconsideration of new approaches in policie sundertaken by States constitutes a new generation of socialpolicies in the region.
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