Territorial sovereignty and exercise of power over the city Traces of the Argentinian civic-military dictatorship (1976-1983) in the urban and social plot of the Metropolitan Region of Buenos Aires
urban policies, city center and periphery, segregation and expulsionAbstract
The idea of territorial sobriety is not usually approached from urban studies, but it is also a study of law and politics. Particularly to the power that they exert through their government over their territory, building their own identities in the middle of the borders that are in relation with other States.
When speaking of the State, it is unavoidable to refer to the elements that comprise it: government, people and territory. We understand that these concepts can be seen beyond urban studies and thus allow us to make approximations regarding the implementation of territorial sobriety through the differential interference of its constituent elements. In this way we can address minor spatial scales by analyzing socio-economic, political and cultural processes at the neighborhood, municipal and regional levels.
In this sense, we propose to study urban policies sanctioned by the Argentine military civic dictatorship that usurped popular sovereignty between 1976 and 1983, participated in the City of Buenos Aires and the Province of Buenos Aires, in the sense of radical transformations -many of them permanent- in the urban and social fabric of the Metropolitan Region in the search for order, control, surveillance and expulsion of the popular sectors.
This is an analysis that identifies the urban policies implemented by the dictatorial government between 1976 and 1983 that have left such a manifest mark on the territory as well as on the social, cultural and political networks that are still visible today and, moreover, this period is considered to be one of the most important in terms of urban changes in the entire modern history of the Metropolitan Region of Buenos Aires (RMBA).
What once have been radical transformations, are elements that today endure, become imprints in the networks have been defined in the segregated form the habitat of the popular sectors and the elites of the entire (RMBA). The objective, in academic terms, but more so from the point of view of political management and urban discipline, then, is in being able to pinto out the injustices committed at that time through the norms of the dictatorship, trying to reconstruct history, on the one hand, and the fragmented territory, on the other. The sanction of the Provincial Law 14,449 of Fair Access to Habitat in 2012 could be a good instrument to tend towards space justice. The results are yet to be seen.
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