Toxicological impact of rabeprazole and evaluation of toxic effects on the plant-based eukaryotic test models


  • Muhammad Torequl Islam Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University
  • Marcello Iriti Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Milan State University, via G. Celoria 2, Milan 20133, Italy
  • Hicham Harhar Laboratory of Materials, Nanotechnology and Environment, Faculty of Sciences, Mohammed V University in Rabat, Av. Ibn Battouta, B.P1014, Rabat, Morocco
  • Youssef Elouafy Laboratory of Materials, Nanotechnology and Environment, Faculty of Sciences, Mohammed V University in Rabat, Av. Ibn Battouta, B.P1014, Rabat, Morocco
  • Imane Chamkhi Laboratory of Materials, Nanotechnology and Environment, Faculty of Sciences, Mohammed V University in Rabat, Av. Ibn Battouta, B.P1014, Rabat, Morocco
  • Eda Sönmez Gürer Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacognosy, Sivas, Turkey
  • Javad Sharifi-Rad Centro de Estudios Tecnológicos y Universitarios del Golfo, Veracruz, Mexico



Rabeprazole, Allium cepa, Allium sativum, Cicer arietinum, Toxicity monitoring tools


Background: Rabeprazole (RPZ), a widely used proton pump inhibitor, is known to have toxic effects on human beings.
Objective: To evaluate the current understanding of its toxicological effects on humans and animals, a literature and laboratory-based study was conducted.
Methods: A comprehensive search of published literature was conducted in various databases up until April 2020, using specific keywords. Additionally, toxic effects of RPZ-Na (0.025-0.4 mM) were evaluated on Allium cepa, Allium sativum and Cicer arietinum at different exposure times using CuSO4 as a reference standard.
Results: The literature review revealed that RPZ has a wide range of side effects including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, rhinitis, myalgia, pharyngitis, abdominal pain, dyspepsia, and eye disorders. Chronic exposure to RPZ has also been associated with significant biochemical and hematological alterations, as well as various toxicological effects such as hypergastrinemia, hyperplasia, atrophy of gastric glands, gastric anti-secretory effect, and hypochlorhydria. The laboratory analysis showed that RPZ-Na concentration-dependently inhibited root length of A. cepa and A. sativum, as well as shoot and root lengths of C. arietinum.
Conclusions: This study highlights the toxicological impacts of RPZ and its formulations on human and animals. Results suggest that RPZ-Na has a concentration-dependent toxic effect on A. cepa, A. sativum, and C. arietinum. Therefore, it is important to take adequate precautions during its long-term use.

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Adaption towards the toxic effects of the test sample and controls on Allium cepa




How to Cite

Torequl Islam, M., Iriti, M., Harhar, H., Elouafy, Y., Chamkhi, I., Gürer, E. S., & Sharifi-Rad, J. (2024). Toxicological impact of rabeprazole and evaluation of toxic effects on the plant-based eukaryotic test models. Vitae, 31(2).



Pharmacology and Toxicology