Psychoanalytic act and training of the psychoanalyst
analytic act, training of the psychoanalyst, institutionalizationAbstract
We follow the development of Lacan's Seminar The Psychoanalytic Act in order to discuss and articulate the times of an analysis as a crucial condition for the training of the psychoanalyst, considering that the conception of act allows knotting these two processes. We elucidate the Klein semi-group framework established in this seminar, which indicates the moments of an analysis and its operations: alienation, truth, and transference. We also elaborate on Lacan's purpose, at this point of his work, to establish a logic of the unconscious facts, and how he does so by denying the Cartesian cogito. A double conception of the act –its symbolic aspect, as a signifier correlate, and the real one, as a cut in field of the Other (A)–, allows us to discuss the effects of an analysis concerning the subjective destitution and the modification of the subject's relationship with knowledge, truth and jouissance, but also as a creation effect. Finally, we use these propositions in order to give arguments to a discussion on the training of the psychoanalyst and of the institutional life.
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