Adolescence and social movements: effects on the constitution of the subject


  • Luciana Gageiro Coutinho Fluminense Federal University



social movements, adolescence, Ocupa Escuela Movement, discourses on adolescence


This text seeks to address the operation of adolescence in the context of social movements that have the characteristic of subverting established discourses. The work of adolescence implies transforming what has been received as a symbolic inheritance by making possible some singular appropriation of it, even always marked by something of the real that transcends it and surpasses it. The social movement that serves as the basis for the discussion in the text was one the socalled “Ocupa Escuela”, recognized as the movement of school occupations by secondary school students in Brazil between 2015 and 2017; the analysis of such  movement is contrasted with the findings of research with adolescents in Latin America on naming and name changes.

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Author Biography

Luciana Gageiro Coutinho, Fluminense Federal University

Psychologist from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Master in Clinical Psychology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro and PhD. in Clinical Psychology from thePontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.


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How to Cite

Gageiro Coutinho, L. (2020). Adolescence and social movements: effects on the constitution of the subject. Affectio Societatis, 17(32), 160–177.