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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The complete information of the author(s) was attached: Full name, e-mail, identity document (passport or citizenship card), position and institutional affiliation, highest academic degree, ORCID iD.
  • The submission has not been published or previously submitted to another journal, this means that it is original and unpublished (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the editor).
  • The text is sent in WORD format and the images in JPG
  • Web addresses have been added for references where possible.
  • The text is double-spaced; the font size is 12 point; italics are used instead of underlining (except for URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures and tables are in the appropriate place within the text and not at the end of the text.
  • The text complies with the bibliographic requirements indicated in the “Guidelines for Authors” that can be found in the “Submissions” section of the journal's web page.

Author Guidelines


Boaletín de Antropología de la Universidad de Antioquia

Guidelines for submission of original manuscripts

The Boletín de Antropología contemplates a wide variety of contribution types: scientific research articles, review articles, short articles, case reports, topic reviews, translations, reviews, editorials, letters to the editor, and others. Manuscripts may be submitted in Spanish, Portuguese and English.

Manuscripts should be submitted through the OJS platform, taking into account the respective considerations for each type of contribution.

Authors whose contributions are published in the Boletín de Antropología will explicitly state that their contribution is original, has not been published in another journal (digital and printed), book or other means of dissemination, and accept that their academic contributions may be disseminated in other media, a use that the Boletín will authorize as long as a clear reference is made to the source and permission has been requested from the journal's editor.

In case the text is the result of a research process, it is necessary to mention it explicitly, locating the entity that supported the research. Any rewriting or updating of a text already published must be notified to the Editorial Committee, and include a footnote explaining the novelty of the published version.

1. Preliminaries

All manuscripts must include the following information on the first page of the document. The title, abstract and keywords should be presented in the original language of the contribution (Spanish, English or Portuguese) and a second language (English, Spanish or Portuguese, as appropriate).

  • Title (must be clear and coherent with the content of the article)
  • Author's name 1
  • Institutional affiliation
  • Orcid-ID
  • E-mail address
  • Degree and educational background
  • Author's name 2 (if any)
  • Institutional affiliation
  • Orcid-ID
  • E-mail address
  • Degree and educational background
  • Abstract (maximum 100 words)
  • Keywords (5 to 7 words)

2. Body of the document

Manuscripts should follow the content indications for each type of contribution (scientific article, short article, review article, case study, translation, editorial, letters to the editor, review, others), taking into account the elements to be included, as well as the expected length. Detailed information can be found after the bibliographical references section.

The format of the document is as follows:

  • File in word format (.doc, .docx)
  • Letter size, margins 5 cm
  • Double spacing
  • 12 point font size
  • Times New Roman font
  • Tables and figures:
  • All tables and figures must be cited in the body of the
  • Tables and figures should be numbered sequentially and independently of each
  • Figure means: photographs, illustrations, drawings and
  • It is recommended not to include more than 4 tables or 6
  • The footnotes of tables and figures should be included in the document below them. Tables should be referred to as "Table" and figures as "Figure", abbreviations of these words are not accepted.


Dates, measurements and dating:

  • Use the decimal metric system for all
  • Dates should follow the sequence day, month and Example: April 6, 1776.
  • The geographic coordinates are cited as follows: 4º47'25 North, 73°39'36
  • Dates use the abbreviations p. (before present), a. c. (after Christ) and b. c. (before Christ). In uncalibrated C14 dates, the range of error and the laboratory number are indicated: 1200 +/- 60 b. p. Calibrated dates should be clearly indicated: 2279-2232 cal b. C. (Oxcal Program).
  • Taxonomic names of plants and animals are written in Latin and in italics. It is necessary to remember that abbreviations such as , spp., etc. are not proper names and are not written in italics.

3. Citation

The Boletín de Antropología follows the guidelines of the 17th edition of Chicago Style for citing and referencing its publications. In the case of citations, the Author-Date system is used with in-text citations.

In the case of paraphrased quotations, the author's last name and the date of the referenced document are included. Example: (Gruzinski, 1990).

In the case of a textual quotation of less than four lines, the quoted text is indicated in quotation marks and the author's last name, the date of publication and the corresponding page number(s) are included. Example: "xxxxxxxxx" (Gruzinski, 1990, p. 24).


Textual quotations of more than four lines should be made in a separate paragraph, indented, single-spaced and without quotation marks. Also, the author's last name, date of publication and page number(s) are included at the end in parentheses.

4. Bibliographic references

The list of bibliographical references is ordered alphabetically starting with the last name of the first or only author, the French indentation (1 cm) is used, always write the author's name, NEVER use hyphens to replace last names. All works consulted are referenced in the bibliographic list, check that there are no references that have not been cited in the text. When an author has more than one work in the same year, differentiate one from the other by using the letters a, b...and so on. For references it is recommended to use, in addition to those accepted by the Spanish, Portuguese, French and English language academies, the following abbreviations: edition (ed.); revised edition (ed.rev.); editor (ed.); translator (trad.); undated (n.d.); volume (vol.); number (no.); part (pt.); technical report (inf.téc); supplement (supl.).

  • Printed book

From an author

Last name(s), first name.Full title in italics. City: Publisher, year.

Reichel-Dolmatoff, Gerardo. Desana: Symbolism of the Tukano Indians of the Vaupés. 2nd ed. Bogotá, Colombia: Procultura, 1986.

From two or three authors

Last name(s), first name and first and last name(s).Full title in italics. City: Publisher, year.

Hodder, Ian and Clive Orton. Spatial Analysis In Archaeology. Barcelona: Editorial Crítica, 1991.

Cabrera, Gabriel, Carlos Franky and Dany Mahecha. Los núkak nómadas de la Amazonía colombiana. Bogotá: National University of Colombia, 1999.

Four or more authors

When there are more than four authors, select one of the following forms of citation: the last name and first name of the first author are mentioned, and the abbreviation et al. is added.

Last name(s), first name, et al. Full title in italics. City: Publisher, year.

Plazas, Clemencia, et al. The Zenú Hydraulic Society: An archaeological study of 2,000 years of history in the Colombian Caribbean plains. Bogotá: Banco de la República, Museo del Oro, 1993.

Re-edited book

Last name(s), first name.Full title in italics. City: Publisher, year [year of first publication].

Hobbes, Thomas. Leviathan. Or the matter, form and power of an ecclesiastical and civil republic. Bueno Aires: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2007 [1651].

Translated book

Name of the author of the book, title of the book, translator's name (place of publication, publisher, year), page number(s).

Schipani, Sandro. La codificación del Derecho romano común, Trad. José Felix Chamie (Bogotá: Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2010).


Electronic book (in case of two or more authors, follow the instructions for the physical book and include the URL of the resource).

Last name(s), First name author. Title of the book in italics. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication. URL of the resource or DOI.

Cassirer, Ernst. Antropología filosófica. Fifth ed. Mexico: Biblioteca virtual ENAH, 1968.

Alarcón, María Victoria Uribe. Antropología de La Inhumanidad: Un Ensayo Interpretativo Sobre El Terror En Colombia. Second ed. Universidad de los Andes, Colombia, 2018.

  • Book chapter

Last name(s), First name author of the chapter. "Title of chapter." In Title of the book in italics, edited/coordinated by First name Last name editor/coordinator, pages covered by the chapter. Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication.

Vargas Arenas, Iraida and Mario Sanoja, "Archaeology as a social science. Its expression in Latin America". In: Archaeology in Latin America, edited by Gustavo and Alberdi, 59 -75. Benjamin. London and New York: Routledge, 1999.

  • Magazine article

Surname, First name author. "Title of the article". Title of the journal in italics volume of the journal, journal no. (Year of publication): pages covered by the article. DOI or URL of the resource.

Isaza, Juliana. "Physical Anthropology and skeletal sex diagnosis from the skull: current methods and future perspectives." Boletín De Antropología, no. 50 (2015): 94-126.

  • Press article

Surname, First name author. "Title of article". Title of the newspaper in italics, day of month of year of publication.

Acosta, Camilo. "Appeal in the Senate: unprecedented path of the Government to revive health reform". El Colombiano, April 15, 2024.

  • Book review

Last name, First name of the author of the review. "Title of review". Review of Title of the book, of Author of the book, pages of the review. Publisher in italics, date of publication.

Montoya Granda, Edisson Alonso. "Un Vislumbre De La Diversidad Humana Desde La bioantropología". Review of Introduction to Biological Anthropology: Origin, Variability and Adaptation of Human Populations, by Javier Rosique Gracia. Boletín De Antropología, July 21, 2023.

  • Interview

Last name, First name of interviewee. Interview by Author of the interview. "Title of the interview. Name of publisher or website. URL (consulted on the day of month of year).

Turbay, Sandra. Interview by Aura Lisette Reyes Gavilan. "Ordering the territory and anthropological professional practice". Boletin de Antropología. July 21, 2023.

  • Thesis or dissertation

Surname, First name author. "Title of the academic work. Doctoral/master's thesis, University, Year of publication. URL of the resource.

Ortega, Rodrigo. "Communities imagined by contemporary art: The case of the Ecuadorian platform Al Zur-ich." Master's thesis, 2017.

  • Website content

Author's last name, first name or name of the responsible organization. Year. "Title of the web page". Title of the website, date of publication. URL.

CRA Regulatory Manager - Community Aqueducts". CRA Regulatory Manager. Accessed April 18, 2024.

  • Social media content

Username. "Text of the publication". Name of the social network in italics. Date of the publication. URL (if available).

@museonacionalco. "The National Museum of Colombia deeply regrets the passing of Marcial Alegría, a painter from Córdoba born in the community of San Sebastián, in the municipality of Lorica.". X. February 15, 2023.

Scientific research article

The scientific research article corresponds to a contribution in which the results of a research project in progress or completed are presented. It must contain the following elements: introduction, methodology, results, conclusions and bibliography.

The introduction clearly presents the purpose of the contribution, explaining the characteristics of the research from which the article is derived, as well as the research problem, the objective of the article and the general structure of the contribution. The methodology explains the methods and techniques of the research, as well as the population and the sample, if applicable. For the presentation of results, the author may include subtitles if he/she considers it convenient. It is important that the results are presented clearly and that there is cohesion in the development of the argument.

Although the author may use the subtitles he/she considers most appropriate according to his/her narrative, it is important that the manuscript includes the indicated content elements.

Its length is between 7,000 and 10,000 words.

Reflection article

Reflection articles present the results of a completed research from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic, using original sources. It must contain the following elements: introduction, discussion, conclusions, and a bibliography.

In the introduction, the purpose of the contribution is clearly presented, giving an account of the general aspects of the topic on which it reflects, and also expresses the interpretative/analytical/critical strategies that were implemented to support the arguments presented in the contribution. The author may use the subtitles he/she considers necessary to develop the discussion, which must be based on a dialogue with original sources (remember that the author's own experience is considered an original source).

It should be between 7,000 and 10,000 words.

Review article or state of the art

Review articles or state of the art are documentary research contributions that favor the study of accumulated knowledge within a specific area. The sections to be considered are: introduction (problem, objective and context), conceptual assumptions from which the review is made, development (research results) and final considerations and cited bibliography.

It is characterized by having a bibliographic review that includes at least 50 references.

Its length is between 7,000 and 10,000 words.

Short article

Short articles are brief manuscripts that present preliminary or partial original results of a scientific research, which usually require rapid dissemination. They are structured in the same way as the research article.

Its length is between 3,000 and 5,000 words.

Case Report

The case reports correspond to the contribution that reports the results of a study on a specific situation with the intention of showing the technical and methodological experiences of a specific case. It includes a systematic and commented review of the bibliography on similar cases. These case reports are structured as follows: introduction (problem, context, objective), methodology, methods and techniques (including population and sample, if applicable), partial results and cited bibliography.

Its length is between 3,000 and 5,000 words.

Subject review

Topic reviews are critical reviews of a particular topic. They are structured in the same way as the review article, although the bibliographic review is less than 50 references.

Its length is between 3,000 and 5,000 words.

Letters to the editor

Letters to the editor are academic communications made regarding the meaning of a previous publication, and that provoke academic debate.


Editorials are documents written by the editor(s), a member of the editorial board, or an invited researcher, concerning guidelines in the thematic domain of the journal.


Translations are the literal and contextual transfer of a published document from a language such as English, French, or Portuguese into Spanish. They require the corresponding permissions

Bibliographic review

The bibliographic review refers to short contributions that inform readers specialized in the field of knowledge of the Anthropology Bulletin about recently published books, both nationally and internationally.

Its length should not exceed 2000 words.

Other Contributions

Others: audiovisual essays, photographic essays, experimental ethnographies, transcriptions. These documents must include an introduction that theoretically and methodologically supports the work from the anthropological field.

Privacy Statement

The names, personal data, and email addresses entered in the Boletín de Antropología will be used exclusively for the purposes stated in the journal's policy and will not be available for any other purpose or to any other person.