Diverging development times: protection of environmental rights in Cufada Lagoons National Park, Guinea Bissau
sustainable management of natural resources, biodiversity conservation, national parks, environmental and human rights, Guinea BissauAbstract
The protection of the environment and the promotion of human rights are increasingly seen as interconnected, complementary goals that share a core of common interests and objectives indispensable for sustainable development. Nonetheless, the complex interrelation of species in the semi-humid ecosystems of tropical latitudes is increasingly threatened by paths of economic development molded by the capitalist world economy. The creation of National Reserves and National Parks has often integrated sustainable management of natural resources and biodiversity conservation. Such is the case in Guinea Bissau, with regard to the creation of the Natural Park of Cufada Lagoons. The present work refers to the predicament of cohabitation among conservation institutions and local populations. Furthermore, the creation of a legal framework for the protection of environmental rights and biodiversity conservation is only a first step in the intricate reality of practical and daily fulfillment of environmental and human rights. This paper analyzes the external and internal pressures to biodiversity conservation of the Natural Park of Cufada Lagoons and the intersection between culture and sustainable management of natural resources.
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