Rethinking the concept of Mesoamerica through anthropological analysis of materiality and cultural memory


  • Sergio González Varela University of San Luis Potosí



agency, innovation, materiality, cultural memory, Mesoamerica


This text makes an analysis of the concept of Mesoamerica from its material expression as a connection process with a shared cultural memory in a constant transformation process. From a review of different contemporary perspectives of materiality in anthropology (especially those made by Daniel Miller, Tim Ingold, Bruno Latour, and Michael Taussig), an approach of material objects is proposed, focusing on their temporal implications of change, agency and permanence in the design of Mesoamerica analytical category.
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Author Biography

Sergio González Varela, University of San Luis Potosí

Doctor in Anthropology. University of San Luis Potosí (San Luis Potosí, Mexico).


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How to Cite

González Varela, S. (2018). Rethinking the concept of Mesoamerica through anthropological analysis of materiality and cultural memory. Boletín De Antropología, 33(56), 15–38.


