Everyday practices and neighborhood space formation
Ethnography and archiving as interpretative tools of urban realities
Neighborhood, Everyday Practices, Photography, Archive, EthnographyAbstract
Research on urban phenomena, and more precisely on neighborhood environments, has required the configuration of different theoretical and methodological tools to understand city environments. An adequate approach to these problems requires an inventory and calibration of the analysis units and their dimensions. The concern for micro-social scales is shaping an interpretative approach to reality, providing a view from neighborhood environments that combines with the macroscopic vision of the city's territorial dynamics. The present text will address the neighborhood problem, taking as a starting point the relationships that the inhabitants build in their daily life, and in which not only the forms of socialization and identity are founded, but also a general structure of the city. For this, the focus will be on a theoretical-methodological proposal in which ethnographic and archival sources will allow the triangulation of urban phenomena
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