Indigenous ethnology in Canada as seen from Brazil
Social anthropology, Ethnology with indigenous peoples, Brazil, Canada, Peripheral anthropologies, Metropolitan centres, Styles of anthropologyAbstract
Abstract. This article, based on two research surveys carried out in Canada (in 1995 and in 2002), was written within the theme on ethnology with indigenous peoples done in Canada examined through the prism of ethnology with indigenous peoples done in Brazil. It was inspired on the proposal of Roberto Cardoso de Oliveira to study the styles of peripheral anthropologies, that is to say, those anthropologies situated in countries which are in the periphery of the metropolitan centres of the disciplne —the USA, England, and France— where Anthropology originally emerged and was consolidated as a scientific discipline. The article focuses ethnology with indigenous peoples from a comparison made from the fact that in Canada, as in Brazil, ethnology with indigenous peoples studies peoples over whose lands the national state has expanded.
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