The Knowledge of Leisure in Peripheral Societies. An Analysis in the Focus of Scientifical Production in Colombia


  • José Fernando Tabares Fernández University of Antioquia



knowledge, modernity/coloniality, periphery


This paper presents some referents from a critical perspective to analyze some relevant issues in scientific production processes in leisure, recreation and free time. A framework which seeks to inquire on the conditions under which the knowledge of this subject in this field has been approached. This work is learning on the coloniality/ modernity perspective, in power coloniality categories (Quijano, 2000), colonial difference (Mignolo, 2003), knowledge coloniality (Lander, 2000) and geopolitical knowledge (Mignolo in Walsh, 2003) proposing a framework analysis to leisure, recreation and free time in peripheral countries. Although this research contains six categories: Focuses, purposes, concepts, actors, places and tendencies, this paper only presents two of them: focuses and purposes, due to reasons of space.

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Author Biography

José Fernando Tabares Fernández, University of Antioquia

Doctor from the University of Deusto. Professor-researcher at the University of Antioquia. Member of the Leisure, Motive Expressions and Society Group. Member of the CIVITAS Corporation for Leisure, Culture and Society Studies.


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How to Cite

Tabares Fernández, J. F. (2013). The Knowledge of Leisure in Peripheral Societies. An Analysis in the Focus of Scientifical Production in Colombia. Educación Física Y Deporte, 31(2), 1021–1028.



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