The production of a contemporary education: the experience with films and the forgetfulness


  • Donald Hugh de Barros Kerr Junior Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology



Forgetfulness, Cinema, Contemporary Education, Training Professors, Forgetfulness.


It is known a lot of methods to train professors, who most of them work with rational thinking, memory, old ways of educational structures, and identity trough some experiences between cinema and forgetfulness. The question is ¿where I’m going? How to work training professors looking for something unknown? How to allow an encounter when the forgetfulness is the aim? This article does an approximation between movie and images according Gilles Deleuze, and the Jean-Louis Chréhen’s “forgetfulness” concept wishing to work another idea to train professors. In addition, it is necessary to consider the text breakdowns, and reflections to think the education as a way of creation and invention. 

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Author Biography

Donald Hugh de Barros Kerr Junior, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology

- PhD in Education from the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos. - Professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology Sul-Rio-Grandense. - Researcher at the Education and Contemporary Group: Experiences with Art and Philosophy: EXPERIENCE.


Chrétien, J-L. (2002). Lo inovidable y lo inesperado. Salamanca: Sígueme.

Deleuze, G. (2007). A imagem-tempo. São Paulo: Brasiliense.

Deleuze, G., & Guattari, F. (1994). O que é a filosofia? Rio de Janeiro: Ed. 34.

Foucault, M. (1990). Tecnologías del Yo. Barcelona: Paidós.

Foucault, M. (2009). Estética: literatura e pintura, música e cinema. Rio de Janeiro: Forense Universitária.

Gosciola, V. (2003). Roteiro para as novas mídias. Do cinema as mídias interativas. São Paulo: SENAC.

Kerr, Jr. D. (2000). Prazer em conhecê-la história... da vida, da arte. (Dissertação de mestrado). Pelotas, Rio Grande Do Sul: Universidade Federal de Pelotas - Mestrado em Educação.

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Vasconcellos, J. (2006). Deleuze e o cinema. Rio de Janeiro: Ciência Moderna.



How to Cite

Junior, D. H. de B. K. (2014). The production of a contemporary education: the experience with films and the forgetfulness. Educación Física Y Deporte, 33(1), 93–105.



Research articles