Physical activity levels and stages of change of a university community in Medellín-Colombia




Physical Activity, Stages of Change, College Campus, Questionnaires, Descriptive


The main goal of this study was to determine the levels of physical activity and stages of change related to it in the “Ciudadela de Robledo” campus of the University of Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia.  A total of 92 students, 72 faculty’s members and 45 employees voluntarily participated in this study. The Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ) was used to identify the physical activity levels and the Sample Physical Activity Questionnaire to determine the stages of change. The surveys were collected during the second semester of 2012. The data was handled and analyzed using SPSS version 21(Statistical program) applying frequency distribution techniques to develop the descriptive analysis; the qualitative variables were analyzed according to the university nexus and gender using the X2 test to compare the proportions. The results evinced the 51.1% of students, 48.6% of professors, and 46.7% of employees presented high PA levels. The biggest proportion for the stages of change according to the nexus was obtained by the maintenance stage 47.2% for professors, 28.9% for employees, and 26.1% for students. The results from this study could serve as a basis to create strategies that allow the improvement of sportive and PA programs inside the campus in order to increase the PA level among the campus population.

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Author Biographies

Víctor Hugo Arboleda Serna, University of Antioquia

- Master in Collective Health at the University of Antioquia. - Professor and Researcher of the Applied Research Group in Physical Activity and Exercise (GRICAFDE) of the Institute of Physical Education of the University of Antioquia.

Elkin Fernando Arango Vélez, University of Antioquia

- Master in Collective Health at the University of Antioquia. - Professor and Researcher of the Applied Research Group in Physical Activity and Exercise (GRICAFDE) of the Institute of Physical Education of the University of Antioquia.

Yuri Feito, Kennesaw State University

- Doctorate, MPH, Sports Sciences from the University of Tennesse. - Assistant Professor in the Department of Exercise Science and Sports Administration at Kennesaw State University.


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PMid:23066393 PMCid:PMC3447583



How to Cite

Arboleda Serna, V. H. ., Arango Vélez, E. F. ., & Feito, Y. (2014). Physical activity levels and stages of change of a university community in Medellín-Colombia. Educación Física Y Deporte, 33(1), 153–173.



Research articles