Qué queremos decir cuando decimos ¡Vamos a jugar! (En el contexto de una clase de Educación Física)


  • Víctor Pavía Profesor




Games shape, way of playing, didactic transposition


If some disposition really exists to admit that playing is a physical Education component. ¿What of the playing is knowledge to teach? ¿What of the playing ends in a thought knowledge in a class context? And the most important ¿How it decides that this is the way? The article suggest to face a task of criticism revision about the dominant "shape" in the games that Physical Education area propose and protect the "enjoyment mode" (Modo Lúdico) of playing, developing opportunities of learning to tech it with out losing some of the intrinsic potential. More than ever, when the game have became in one of the most representatives phenomena of a renovate Physical Education and the! Let's go playing! is the one of the most wanted invitations for kids in each of our classes. The text suggest to take distance from some innocent spontaneous explanations about the enjoyment (Lúdico) and put more attention to the participant's accts of language and more attention to the given meaning to their expressions, considering that, depending on the conjunction "form-mode" and as a consequence the formulation identified as "Transparent", "Paradoxical" and "ambiguous", the invitation to play obtain different senses socially built.
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How to Cite

Pavía, V. (2008). Qué queremos decir cuando decimos ¡Vamos a jugar! (En el contexto de una clase de Educación Física). Educación Física Y Deporte, 27(1), 31–39. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.efyd.299



Research articles