Motivational Processes towards Physical Activity in the School Context in Colombian University Students: A Study from the Self-Determination Theory




Self-determination theory, physical activity, physical education, university students


The objective of the study was to evaluate, from the self-determination theory, the role of motivational processes as predictors of the practice of physical activity in free time in Colombian university students. 193 students completed a self-administered questionnaire about the perception of physical education teacher support, satisfaction, and frustration of basic psychological needs, motivational regulation, the perception of social support, and physical activity in free time. The model showed a positive and significant correlation between support and satisfaction of basic psychological needs, self-determined motivation and social support for total physical activity, and moderate to vigorous physical activity. These results are consistent with multinomial regression analysis and partial with linear regression, where age, autonomous motivation, and support for autonomy were highlighted as significant predictors. Physical activity in free time can be predicted from motivational factors and the experience of students in physical education class during the school context.

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Author Biographies

Mabel Gómez-Mazorra, Tolima University

Master in Activity and Sports Sciences. Physiotherapist. Professor Professor, Leisure, Physical Culture and Health Research Group (Ocufys), Bachelor's Program in Physical Education, Recreation and Sports, Department of Psychopedagogy, Faculty of Education Sciences

David Sánchez-Oliva, University of Extremadura

Doctor in Sports Sciences. Bachelor of Science in Physical Activity and Sports Intinerary Sports Training. Postdoctoral researcher at the Behavioral Analysis of Physical Activity and Sport Research Group (ACAFYDE), Faculty of Sports Sciences

António Labisa Palmeira , Lusophone University of Humanities and Technology

Doctor in Health and Physical Condition. Professional in Physical Education and Sports. Associate Professor at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, Lusophone University of Humanities and Technology, Lisbon, Portugal. , Research professor at the Center for Research in Sport, Physical Education, Exercise and Health






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How to Cite

Gómez-Mazorra, M., Sánchez-Oliva, D. ., & Labisa Palmeira , A. . (2021). Motivational Processes towards Physical Activity in the School Context in Colombian University Students: A Study from the Self-Determination Theory. Educación Física Y Deporte, 40(1).



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