Mito and Spain
Mito journal, spanish and Colombian literature relationsAbstract
To understand the role the journal Mito exerted on Colombian culture, it is necessary to know the work of Baldomero Sanin Cano. Mito is, above all, a response of a new generation of poets with an anti Spanish expression to the previous one, Piedra y Cielo, which enthusiastically proclaimed Spanish ideals. In consequence Mito opens up a dialogue of equality among Colombian and Spanish poets, it is the literary product, of a generation of writers who would directly participate in a political project that has left terrible consequences for the present of the country, the so called Frente Nacional. Its pages opened to different cultures and its political spirit was based on a freedom of speech admirably for a country permeated by a repressive notion of Spanish culture. The essence of Mito consists in an ideological pluralism that only required fulfilling ethical principles.
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