The Aristotelism of Alexander of Aphrodisias in the culture of commentary


  • Barbara Botter Departamento de Filosofía, Pontificia Universidade Católica de Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil



Alexander, commentary


this paper attempts to inquire into the nature and peculiarity of Alexander of Aphrodisias’ works. Botter argues that, as a result of a new culture, “the culture of commentary”, the works by Alexander represent a form of original and different culture with respect to the traditional idea focused on the development of the doctrines of the great Masters of the past. Alexander’s practice aims at clarifying Aristotle through Aristotle, modelling, as much as possible, the commentary on the original texts by means of an exhausting philological work that confronts each single phrase with both the rest of the Corpus Aristotelicum of the treatises and with the main interpretations of the predecessors. According to Botter, Alexander tries to clarify Aristotle’s stances with the aim of facilitating the understanding of the text itself. Therefore, the commentary is not a simple repetition, but in a never-ending research of the original meaning of the text behind the historical interpretations and of the interference of other interpreters.

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How to Cite

Botter, B. (2009). The Aristotelism of Alexander of Aphrodisias in the culture of commentary. Estudios De Filosofía, (40), 109–133.



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