Tragedy as liberty and theodicy: about a relation between Schiller and Hegel
German Philosophy, Kantian Philosophy, Hegel, Tragedy, Liberty, Episteme, Absolute, Schiller, TheodicyAbstract
This work will show how thought on the tragic as a literary genre but, farther from it, as a metaphor for the characteristic dualities of Modernity, played a fundamental role in the configuration and the development of the thought of both authors. Both for Schiller and for the young Hegel, Tragedy became the theoretical frame and the referential space of a proposal that, in the first case tries to recuperate the possibility of Liberty for Man in the World and, in the second case, interprets the movement of Thought in Reality. Along the text both the similarities they share and the differences between the two authors will be emphasized, starting from the way in which each of them understood and assimilated the tragic to his own reflection.
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