Blaise Pascal: Politics as a différance of God’s will




Behaviour, Force, Grace, Justice, Pascal, Order


Pascal's work is punctuated by a paradox. On the one hand, only a handful of the texts that constitute it are explicitly political; on the other hand, it is haunted by a constant political concern. To resolve this paradox, the paper shows that Pascal incites us to rethink the very definition of politics. Emerging on the basis of a double human nature marked by the Fall, violence is an ontological problem that arises from the need to preserve an infinite object for human love. For this reason, its solution lies in affective self-regulation, which makes politics an exclusively behavioralist field that cannot be a part of the intimacy of individuals who belong to another order. Thus, Pascalian politics does no more than serve the same gesture of the divine creation of the human being that keeps him alive to praise God. Pascalian politics is, then, an indirect way of realizing God’s will: its différance.

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Author Biography

Stephane Vinolo, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador

PhD, Philosophy, University of Bourdeaux (France) y PhD, Theology, Strasbourg University (France). His expertise revolves around contemporary philosophy and 17th century pre-critical philosophy. Full Professor, Philosophy School at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador.



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How to Cite

Vinolo, S. (2025). Blaise Pascal: Politics as a différance of God’s will. Estudios De Filosofía, (71), 34–53.