Covered Violences in Global Governance




Global Governance, Critical Perspectives, Worldview, Postcolonialism, Postestructuralism


The article problematizes the ontological assumptions under which global governance —as a concept and as a political project— is conceived, and how this institutionalizes and perpetuates the exclusion through covered violences that habilitate certain forms of being in the world. Among them, the process of constructing the Other and the acceptance of a determined form of knowing reality, restricting the possibility of thinking the political in other possible ways. Drawing from International Relations´critical perspectives such as poststructuralism and postcolonialism, some insights are offered to think of global governance differently.

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Author Biography

Amaya Querejazu Escobar, University of Antioquia

Lawyer. M.A. in International Relations. M.A. in Political Science. PhD. in Political Science from the University of the Andes. Professor at the Faculty of Law and Political Science of the University of Antioquia. Calle 70 No. 52–21, Medellin, Colombia


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How to Cite

Querejazu Escobar, A. (2016). Covered Violences in Global Governance. Estudios Políticos, (49), 148–166.