Gender, Body, Power, and Resistance. A Critical Dialogue with Judith Butler


  • Marya Hinira Sáenz Cabezas National University of Colombia
  • Sylvia Cristina Prieto Dávila National University of Colombia
  • Catherine Moore Torres National University of Colombia
  • Lilibeth Cortés Mora National University of Colombia
  • Angie Dayana Espitia Mendieta National University of Colombia
  • Liliana Katerine Duarte Pedroza National University of Colombia



Desirable Body, Performance Theory, Gender Normative, Gender Social Stereotypes, Power, Resistance


This article critically discusses Judith Butler’s gender and power theory, in order to inquire about the limitations in understanding the practices of resistance that result from it. To this end, on the one hand, the methodology of life stories is used, which has as its center the stories of five people belonging to the trans community; on the other hand, contemporary feminist theory has been implemented. The article claims that Butler does not answer to the question about the material base that allows the resistance to gender definitions. On these pages, the reader will find the notion of a desirable body, which, in our opinion, can fill the breach in Butler’s theory and explain why practices of resistance cannot be understood merely as little gaps left by the power.

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Author Biographies

Marya Hinira Sáenz Cabezas, National University of Colombia

Political Scientist. M.A. candidate in Philosophy

Sylvia Cristina Prieto Dávila, National University of Colombia

Political Scientist. M.A. candidate in Philosophy

Catherine Moore Torres, National University of Colombia

Student of Political Sciences

Lilibeth Cortés Mora, National University of Colombia

Lawyer. Specialization in Criminal Law Institutions

Angie Dayana Espitia Mendieta, National University of Colombia

Psychologist. M.A. candidate in Psychology

Liliana Katerine Duarte Pedroza, National University of Colombia

Psychologist. M.A. candidate in Psychology


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How to Cite

Sáenz Cabezas, M. H., Prieto Dávila, S. C., Moore Torres, C., Cortés Mora, L., Espitia Mendieta, A. D., & Duarte Pedroza, L. K. (2017). Gender, Body, Power, and Resistance. A Critical Dialogue with Judith Butler. Estudios Políticos, (50), 82–99.