Electoral Behavior Studies. What Explains the Turnout? State of the Art


  • John Fredy Bedoya Marulanda Institute of Political Studies, University of Antioquia https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5616-4616
  • Juan Carlos Escobar Institute of Political Studies, University of Antioquia https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1073-0109
  • Aura Sánchez Parra University of Antioquia
  • Felipe Nieto Palacio University of Antioquia




Political Behavior, Elections, Political Participation, Vote, Democracy


This article presents a balance of the studies that analyze the electoral participation, grouping the dimensions under which the subject has been studied and the empirical evidences that sustain them. The work is based on a comprehensive understanding of the object of study that allows to show its complexity. The study focuses on accounting for the interaction between the different variables and on revealing their explanatory mechanisms. This implies a separation from conventional analyzes that focus on the predictive capacity and the statistical significance of the variables. Thus, the article concludes that it is not enough to address electoral behavior from a set of separate factors, and highlights the importance of the confluence between the micro and macro variables when it comes to understanding the turnout of voters.

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Author Biographies

John Fredy Bedoya Marulanda, Institute of Political Studies, University of Antioquia

Economist. M.A. in Political Science. Political Studies Group, Institute of Political Studies, University of Antioquia UdeA. Calle 70 No. 52-21, Medellin, Colombia.

Juan Carlos Escobar, Institute of Political Studies, University of Antioquia

Sociologist. M.A. in Political Science. Political Studies Group, Institute of Political Studies, University of Antioquia UdeA. Calle 70 No. 52-21, Medellin, Colombia.

Aura Sánchez Parra, University of Antioquia

Political Scientist. Political Studies Group, Institute of Political Studies, University of Antioquia UdeA. Calle 70 No. 52-21, Medellin, Colombia.

Felipe Nieto Palacio, University of Antioquia

Political Scientist


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How to Cite

Bedoya Marulanda, J. F., Escobar, J. C., Sánchez Parra, A., & Nieto Palacio, F. (2019). Electoral Behavior Studies. What Explains the Turnout? State of the Art. Estudios Políticos, (54), 177–198. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.espo.n54a09