Data Analysis Applied to the National Development Plan for 2018-2022, «Pact for Colombia, Pact for Equity»
Public Administration, Public Politics, Planning, Data Analytics, Text Mining, ColombiaAbstract
The National Development Plan (PND) 2018-2022 was presented during the celebration of the sixtieth anniversary of the National Planning Department (DNP). The PND is strongly criticized by society on social media. For this reason, we are interested in finding what are the most important issues of the PND and how are they related to the president’s speech. The methodology used is based on algorithms from data analysis, particularly those that belong to the text mining area. Analytics applied to public policy documents offer a powerful tool to society, which can be used to understand such policies without ideological biases. This analysis found that: the most mentioned topic, among those studied, is territory, the least mentioned is peace, the issues of equity, legality and entrepreneurship are not as relevant in the text as in the presidential speech, and the correlation between these terms is not relevant in the text of the PND. In addition, the topics health, poverty, infrastructure and security are not relevant, as well as the words agriculture, culture, childhood and energy
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