The Media Representation in Digital Media of Violence against Social Leaders in Colombia, 2018-2021
political communication, post-conflict, violence, social leaders, media, ColombiaAbstract
The media representation of violence against social leaders has a high impact on its understanding by public opinion and on government actions to address this problem. A large part of that process is currently taking place in digital media and social networks. The study seeks to explore the narratives of digital media, trying to find characteristic patterns of reality construction from a theoretical perspective of digital political communication. In this scenario, the Media Observatory of the University of La Sabana conducted a media content analysis of 905 digital media publications seeking to analyze how they construct the media representation of violence against social leaders in Colombia. It is concluded that the media representation of these violent acts by digital media can contribute to the construction of a public opinion with a partial vision of the problem, stripping it of its political causality and providing it with attributes of public order and social drama.
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