Air pollution and vulnerability of exposed individuals: the case of downtown Medellín
air pollution (Q53), health vulnerability (I10)Abstract
The presence of respiratory problems in high level pollution areas is linked to factors such as exposure, susceptibility, and social coping. Objective: To present statistical evidence regarding the relationship between the probability of experiencing symptoms or contracting a respiratory disease and factors such as exposure to pollution, susceptibility, and social coping among people inhabiting areas with particulate matter pollution. Methodology: The study used unique information collected from a survey conducted on 1000 people in downtown Medellin who were exposed to this problem. This information was used to perform a descriptive statistic analysis and to build 27 PROBIT models. The dependent variables were: the patient has a symptom or disease –EMF-, the patient has a symptom –LEVE-, and the patient has a respiratory disease –GRAVE-. Results: The results evidence that exposure is a key variable affecting the presence of respiratory symptoms or diseases (vulnerability); however, exposed individuals may also experience health problems not only due to air pollution per se, but also to implicit personal and social conditions.
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