Self-care in university students. Manizales, 2010-2011
self-care, health, young, lifestyleAbstract
Young people are considered a relatively healthy population, hence the need to rethink self-care as a strategy for promoting their health. Objective: to describe some of the characteristics of the health-related self-care practices among young university students. Methodology: a cross-sectional descriptive study conducted in 2010-2011 using a sample of 353 university students. The health-related self-care dimension was assessed using the Lifestyle Questionnaire for Young University Students. The participants were asked about their practices, reasons for having or not having them, their motivations for changing a practice and the resources required for carrying them out. Results: women have more self care practices related to taking a daily bath and brushing their teeth after meals. As for checking one’s body to detect changes, it was found that men are less likely to do so, which is statistically significant. In addition, women use less sunscreen than men. Conclusions: the health-related self-care practices were healthy according to the score established in the methodology used for the self-care dimension. Likewise, the authors propose that education regarding self-care practices should be provided to young university students as part of their comprehensive training.
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