Assessment of the medical care provided to victims of sexual violence: the experience of three hospitals in Bogotá
medical assistance, gender identity, sexual violenceAbstract
Objective: to evaluate the medical care that the hospitals in partnership with the Medical School of the UMNG university (Universidad Militar Nueva Granada) provide to victims of sexual violence. Methodology: a multi-design method was used to assess (structure, process and results) and identify the knowledge and attitudes of the healthcare providers. Similarly, the researchers used check lists, interviews with the leader of the assistance network (Red de Buen Trato) and a knowledge and attitudes questionnaire. The study took place from September 2009 to September 2010. Results: a lack of supplies, space, and human resources was detected in the process due to the lack of recognition of the activity as institutional. The results clearly showed gaps in diagnosis, patient records and in the interdisciplinary support provided to the cases. The knowledge and attitude dimensions showed a favorable result in regards to the service provided, yet there is still an evident lack of training. Discussion: the healthcare provided by the assessed hospitals to the sexually assaulted patients did not show a differential approach. It was deficient due to an inexistent interdisciplinary team, a lack of training and an insufficient inter-sectorial coordination. This demonstrates the need to periodically train the healthcare providers, support the creation of a sustainable assistance network, and provide adequate physical spaces and supplies to guarantee that high quality medical care is provided to these patients.
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