Determinants of dental health service use among university students in the Pasto municipality, 2011
healthcare utilization, university students, determinants health inequalities, oral health, health ColombiaAbstract
Objective: to identify the determinant factors of dental health service use among university students in the municipality of Pasto (located in the Nariño Department), Colombia. Methodology: a confidential survey was used on a sample of 338 university students. This survey was based on previous studies and used a behavioral model representing healthcare service use. Results: the use of dental health services amounted to 57%. As for enabling factors, more than half of the population surveyed was young adults aged 20-24. In addition, students from later semesters used the oral health services more frequently, while older students used them the least. Similarly, half of the students belonged to the middle class and a tenth of them had low social support. As for predisposing factors, three fourths expressed they ‘have a good health state’, and these were the individuals who used dental health services most often. Likewise, the students who responded they ‘are satisfied with the appearance of their teeth’ were the individuals who used said services less often. Finally, a third had a bad oral health and almost half of the participants responded they ‘have dental problems’. In relation to need factors, the students whose quality of life was negatively affected by physical disability used dental health services more often in the last year. Conclusion: there are minimal differences between the sexes in terms of the dental services use. Also, although the use of dental health services is high among this population, this does not necessarily ensure that they have a better oral health.
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