The expression of social inequalities in infant mortality. Epidemiological information from selected areas of the Santa Fe province (Argentina)


  • Ana C. Augsburger Juan Lazarte Health Institute
  • Sandra S. Gerlero Juan Lazarte Health Institute
  • Silvina Galende Juan Lazarte Health Institute
  • Cecilia B. Moyano Juan Lazarte Health Institute



social inequalities, infant mortality, inequality, epidemiology


This paper shows the most important results of three epidemiological studies whose aim was to construct a profile for infant mortality based on the living conditions of some selected areas in Argentina; their goal being the identification of the social inequalities between different populations. Methodology: three ecological epidemiological studies were conducted using census data and vital statistics as secondary sources. Results: the findings confirmed a strong gradient in child mortality which was unfavorable to those who are at social disadvantage. Additionally, the severity of the studied differences in infant mortality becomes stronger for postneonatal mortality, and the high ratio of deaths considered reducible is accompanied by a wide asymmetry between groups. Discussion: the election of infant mortality as a problem studied from the viewpoint of social inequalities is not original, and neither is the confirmation of a reverse gradient between the living conditions and the results for the rate of infant mortality. However, it is necessary to quantify the social inequalities and inequities existing between groups as well as to make them more visible through concrete social planning and health intervention.
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Author Biographies

Ana C. Augsburger, Juan Lazarte Health Institute

MSc. in Public Health, researcher and teacher at the "Juan Lazarte" Health Institute, National University of Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina.

Sandra S. Gerlero, Juan Lazarte Health Institute

MSc. in Public Health, researcher and teacher at the "Juan Lazarte" Health Institute, National University of Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina.

Silvina Galende, Juan Lazarte Health Institute

Epidemiology specialist, researcher and teacher at the "Juan Lazarte" Health Institute, National University of Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina.

Cecilia B. Moyano, Juan Lazarte Health Institute

Epidemiology specialist, researcher and teacher at the "Juan Lazarte" Health Institute, National University of Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina.


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How to Cite

Augsburger AC, Gerlero SS, Galende S, Moyano CB. The expression of social inequalities in infant mortality. Epidemiological information from selected areas of the Santa Fe province (Argentina). Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2013 Aug. 14 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];31:139-48. Available from: