Towards the monitoring of the social determinants of health: the scope and limitations of death statistics in Argentina (2001-2009)


  • Bruno S. Ribotta National University of Córdoba



social determinants of health, death records, data evaluation, data accuracy, factors related to data accuracy, Argentina


Objective: to describe the accuracy of the social stratification variables that are related to the deceased, as well as the impact of personal, professional and institutional factors on the accuracy of the data generated through death statistics in Argentina from 2001-2009. Methodology: a descriptive study using the databases of Argentina’s Department of Health Statistics and Information. Descriptive statistics was used to determine the level and trend in the accuracy of a set of variables. Similarly, a logistic regression was used to determine the influence of various factors on the accuracy of the information. Results: two variables had excellent accuracy, two variables had fair accuracy, and four variables had unsatisfactory accuracy. The situation of the first two groups of variables had a tendency to improve, while the situation of the third group became progressively worse. The inaccuracy of most variables was highly associated with certain regions of residence, lifecycle stages, and certain types of healthcare and medical certification. Discussion: the use of death statistics for monitoring the social determinants of health requires improved accuracy in terms of the variables related to the social stratification of the deceased. The authors recommend implementing awareness campaigns, improving doctor training, upgrading quality control mechanisms and increasing physical and organizational infrastructures.
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Author Biography

Bruno S. Ribotta, National University of Córdoba

Lic. In Psychology, MSc. in Demography, PhD. in Demography CIECS, Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET), National University of Córdoba (UNC). Academic information about Bruno S. Ribotta provided by the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research


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How to Cite

Ribotta BS. Towards the monitoring of the social determinants of health: the scope and limitations of death statistics in Argentina (2001-2009). Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2013 Aug. 14 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];31:149-5. Available from: