Characterization of school adolescent students with suicide risk in Medellin, 2006


  • Diana C. Toro G. graduated
  • Ramón E. Paniagua S.
  • Carlos M. González P. teacher
  • Brígida Montoya G. Social worker



adolescent, suicide depression, psychotropics, family relations


Objective: To explore the possible association between the risk of suicide, depression, consumption of psychoactive and family dysfunction in school adolescents. Methodology: It was administered a self-administered survey to a random sample of 779 adolescents to assess the risk of suicide, depression, psychoactive substance use and family dysfunction, the instruments were used ISO-30, CDI-LA-II CIDI and Family Apgar respectively. The analysis used the technique of case-control method. Results: The prevalence of suicide risk was between 23.0% and 26.5%. Depression and family dysfunction were positively associated with suicide risk, with a disparity ratio of 4.3 and 2.0 respectively. Conclusions: The results show the magnitude of a problem that must take into account the educational authorities, the municipal administration and parents. A priority is to strengthen programs for adolescent depression screening, and also require to the State better treatments for depression (not just limited to the drug). We must promote the strategy of school parents in educational institutions, emphasizing issues related to mental health and stress the importance of communication, cooperation, affection and respect among family members.
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Author Biographies

Diana C. Toro G., graduated

Graduated from Health Information Systems Management

Ramón E. Paniagua S.

Professor - Researcher at the University of Antioquia in the National Faculty of Public Health

Carlos M. González P., teacher

Teacher of the Institute of Physical Education

Brígida Montoya G., Social worker

Social Worker of the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences


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How to Cite

Toro G. DC, Paniagua S. RE, González P. CM, Montoya G. B. Characterization of school adolescent students with suicide risk in Medellin, 2006. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2010 Feb. 15 [cited 2025 Jan. 31];27(3):1-7. Available from:


