The Colombian National Cancer Observatory


  • Martha L. Ospina M. Ministry of Health and Social Protection
  • Jancy A. Huertas Ministry of Health and Social Protection
  • José I. Montaño C. Ministry of Health and Social Protection
  • Juan C. Rivillas G. Ministry of Health and Social Protection



cancer, knowledge management, information system, health observatory


In Colombia, cancer is a public health problem on the rise that has major psycho-affective, social and economic repercussions. This poses a challenge for the health system. According to the statistics presented by Globocan, in 2012 approximately 104 people died each day in Colombia from this disease, and 196 developed it. This requires generating timely, effective and articulated interventions to promote protective factors, increase early detection, reduce avoidable disability and mortality, improve the quality of life of affected patients and ensure cost-effective health system performance. Although brief figures are presented to review the status of cancer in the country, this paper's authors do not intend to provide statistical data that has already been made available by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, the National Cancer Institute, the National Institute of Health and the Cancer Population Records of Colombia. Instead, this article aims to broadly describe the progress and developments of the National Cancer Observatory (NCO) of Colombia within the National Information System on Cancer (SINCan). It also describes the cancer information sources available in SISPRO, the set of indicators to monitor the status of this disease in the Country, the analysis plans and the information output mechanisms (channels of access and dissemination of evidence and relevant publications) as the necessary tools to properly manage the knowledge on mortality, morbidity, health service access and actions to reduce cancer inequalities in Colombia.

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Author Biographies

Martha L. Ospina M., Ministry of Health and Social Protection

Medical Doctor, MSc Epidemiology, MSc Economics, Director of Epidemiology and Demography, Ministry of Health and Social Protection, Colombia.

Jancy A. Huertas, Ministry of Health and Social Protection

Medical Doctor, Specialist in Epidemiology, Health Quality Auditor, Knowledge Management Group and Information Sources, Epidemiology and Demography Directorate, Ministry of Health and Social Protection, Colombia.

José I. Montaño C., Ministry of Health and Social Protection

Medical Doctor, MSc. Economics, Consultant for the Knowledge Management and Information Sources Group in Health. Directorate of Epidemiology and Demography, Ministry of Health and Social Protection, Colombia.

Juan C. Rivillas G., Ministry of Health and Social Protection

AES, MSc. Health Economics and Policy, Coordinator of National Registries and Observatories, Directorate of Epidemiology and Demography, Ministry of Health and Social Protection, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Ospina M. ML, Huertas JA, Montaño C. JI, Rivillas G. JC. The Colombian National Cancer Observatory. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2015 May 15 [cited 2025 Jan. 31];33(2):262-76. Available from:



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