Biological Risk and Biosafety Practices among Professors
biosafety, teaching staff, universal precautions, biological risk, occupational healthAbstract
Professors working in the field of health are exposed to occupational risks that increase as they perform their care and teaching activities with students. Thus their professional training demands they acquire the knowledge, critical judgment, and skills to carry out their tasks. Objective: To assess the knowledge on biological risk and the compliance with biosafety practices among the teaching staff responsible for the clinical training of the students from the academic programs offered at the Faculty of Health of a Higher Education Institution. Methodology: a descriptive, cross-sectional study with a sample of 78 professors who were interviewed personally at their workplaces. Variables regarding knowledge of the concept that the teachers have of biological risk and biosafety were evaluated. Likewise, the variable of practices with regards to biosafety regulation compliance was also evaluated. Results: One third of the assessed professors are familiar with biological risks and biosafety. A lesser percentage applies biosafety practices. No statistically significant relationships between knowledge of biological risks and biosafety and the type of contract and seniority were observed. Discussion: professors are aware of their exposure to biological risk; however, the low usage of biosafety measures and procedures recommended to prevent accidents is a matter of concern. Conclusions: Professors working in the field of health are expected to have a deep understanding of biological risks and the application of biosafety standards, yet this study showed a lack of knowledge of this issue among the studied population.
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