Neighborhood Living with Psychiatric Patients and its Impact on Community Attitudes: Study in the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2012-2013


  • Sara E. Ardila-Gómez University of Buenos Aires
  • Marina Fernández University of Buenos Aires
  • María I. Hartfiel Arturo Jauretche National University
  • Guadalupe A. Ares-Lavalle National University of Lanús
  • Mariana Borelli José A. Estéves Hospital
  • Valeria Canales National University of Lanús
  • Alicia Stolkiner National University of Lanús



mental health, community integration, health knowledge, attitudes, practice, ambulatory care, Argentina


Objective: To analyze the effects on the neighbors’ attitudes related with the community living with people discharged from a psychiatric hospital. Methodology: Observational analytical study where two groups were compared: one composed by neighbors of group homes for discharged patients from a psychiatric hospital (study group, n = 117) and the other composed by an equivalent area but without group homes nearby (control group, n = 119). A questionnaire was administered to both groups and it explored: neighborhood features, attitudes toward certain groups, attitudes toward mental illness and its treatment. A sub-sample of the study group (n = 9) was re-contacted and a new questionnaire was administered with the purpose to analyzed in depth the community life with the group home tenants and its effects on the neighborhood and the neighbors. Data was analyzed quantitatively (SPSS 18.0) and qualitatively. Results: It was found a statistically significant difference between the study and the control group regarding acceptance toward people with mental illness. Also, and association between the level of social cohesion and the acceptance toward people with mental illness, was found. Conclusions: Community life with people discharged form psychiatric hospital would have an effect on the neighbors’ attitudes, which could be seen as a dimension of the community mental health.
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Author Biographies

Sara E. Ardila-Gómez, University of Buenos Aires

Psychologist. Master in Community Social Psychology. Doctor in Community Mental Health. Postdoctoral Fellow CONICET, National University of Lanús, Faculty of Psychology, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Marina Fernández, University of Buenos Aires

Degree in Psychology, Master's student in Community Mental Health, UBACyT Scholar. Professor-Researcher at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Buenos Aires. Argentina.

María I. Hartfiel, Arturo Jauretche National University

Degree in Sociology. Professor at the Arturo Jaretche National University, Coordinator of the Free Day Center, Temperley, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Guadalupe A. Ares-Lavalle, National University of Lanús

Degree in Psychology, Professor-Researcher at the National University of Lanús and the University of Buenos Aires. Argentina.

Mariana Borelli, José A. Estéves Hospital

Degree in Psychology, Psychologist, Fellow of the Department of Community Health, National University of Lanús, Rehabilitation and Assisted Outpatient Program, José A. Estéves Hospital, Temperley. Argentina.

Valeria Canales, National University of Lanús

Degree in psychology. Fellow of the Department of Community Health, National University of Lanús. Argentina.

Alicia Stolkiner, National University of Lanús

Degree in Psychology, Professor-Researcher at the Department of Community Health, National University of Lanús, Professor, University of Buenos Aires. Argentina.


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How to Cite

Ardila-Gómez SE, Fernández M, Hartfiel MI, Ares-Lavalle GA, Borelli M, Canales V, Stolkiner A. Neighborhood Living with Psychiatric Patients and its Impact on Community Attitudes: Study in the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2012-2013. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2015 Mar. 15 [cited 2025 Feb. 2];32(S1):S123-S133. Available from: