Avoidable Mortality in the Border States of Northern Mexico: Potential Implications for Social Determinants and Health Services


  • Ana M. López J. The College of the Northern Border
  • Felipe J. Uribe S. The College of the Northern Border




avoidable mortality, eligibility, socioeconomic regions, northern border of Mexico


Objective: to analyze avoidable mortality between 1998 and 2007 in the border states of Northern Mexico to evaluate, indirectly, the quality of the region's health care services. Methodology: the information on mortality provided by the National Health Information System (SINAIS) was analyzed. The unit of analysis was the basic cause of death. The cause was coded in accordance with the ICD-10.Avoidable mortality was classified according to Gomez’s death causes catalog. Likewise, an exploratory analysis was conducted which focused on the relationship between avoidable mortality and eligibility and the socioeconomic level of the municipalities in which the deaths took place. Results:The global rate of avoidable mortality was of 350.2 deaths per 1000 inhabitants in the region. the rates of avoidable mortality by early diagnosis and medical treatment, violence, and HIV/AIDS were 223, 60 and 5 per 1000 inhabitants respectively. These causes of avoidable mortality showed variations between states in terms of magnitude, eligibility and socio-demographic characteristics. Discussion and conclusions: The population living in the states located in the northern border of Mexico have a very intense epidemiological and sociodemographical dynamics. The results of this study suggest that the Mexican health system is being overcome by the high frequency of non-communicable diseases in this region. In social terms, Mexico has structural conditions that facilitate the development of illegal drugs traffic through the Northern states of Mexico. This could be related to the frequency of violent avoidable deaths and, in a subsidiary manner, in HIV/AIDS deaths.

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Author Biographies

Ana M. López J., The College of the Northern Border

Professional in Health Information Systems, National School of Public Health, University of Antioquia. Master in Demography, The College of the Northern Border, Tijuana, Mexico. Candidate for the degree of Doctor of Social Sciences, The College of the Northern Border, Tijuana, Mexico.

Felipe J. Uribe S., The College of the Northern Border

Surgeon, Michoacan University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo. Master of Public Health, National School of Public Health / INSP. Master in Socio-Medical Sciences with Emphasis in Epidemiology, National Autonomous University of Mexico. Doctorate in Social Sciences, The College of the Northern Border. Professor-Researcher, The College of the Northern Border. National Researcher Level II of the National System of Researchers (SNI).


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How to Cite

López J. AM, Uribe S. FJ. Avoidable Mortality in the Border States of Northern Mexico: Potential Implications for Social Determinants and Health Services. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2015 May 15 [cited 2025 Jan. 31];33(2):181-9. Available from: https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/fnsp/article/view/19979


