Presence of Parasites and Enterobacteria in Feral Pigeons (Columba Livia) in Urban Areas of Envigado, Colombia


  • Janeth Pérez-García CES University
  • Daniela Monsalve-Arcila CES university
  • Camilo Márquez-Villegas CES University



Columbidae, zoonosis, protozoa, bacterial infection, ectoparasites


Objective: to determine the presence of parasites and enterobacteria that are relevant to public health among feral populations of Columba livia inhabiting urban areas of the Envigado municipality, Colombia. Methodology: a descriptive cross-sectional, prospective study in which 40 pigeons were taken from six different areas. The feathers were assessed to determine ectoparasitic infestation. Likewise, coanal and cloacae swab was conducted and blood samples were taken from the axillar veins. Direct examination of feces with saline and iodine solution was performed, the flotation technique was used and the Ziehl-Neelsen staining tests were conducted. Haemoparasites were diagnosed with the thick smear method, Wright and Hemacolor® staining. The API 20e® system was used for enterobacteria. Descriptive statistic procedures were carried out along with a correlation analysis between haemoparasites and ectoparasites. Results: Escherichia coli (95%), Haemoproteus spp. (73%), Columbicola columbae (64%), oocysts compatible with Eimeria spp. (55%), Pseudolynchia canariensis (52%), Trichomona spp. (40%), Capillaria spp. (28%), Menopon gallinae (24%), Ascaridia spp. (8%), and a case of Enterobacter cloacae. Additionally, the presence of Ornithonyssus bursa was detected in the nests of some of the birds sampled in this study. Discussion: In spite of the reports of sparse cases of infection in humans found in the literature, the microorganisms isolated in this study have a low risk of transmission in humans. However, they may become a veterinary public health problem since they are a potential source of infection for the urban wildlife with which they share water, food and refuge. Conclusion: The most important percentage was that of oocysts compatible with Eimeria spp (55%) and enterobacteria such as E. coli (95%). The presence of Ornithonyssus bursa in the nests evidences a potentially zoonotic pathogen responsible for dermatological lesions in humans.

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Author Biographies

Janeth Pérez-García, CES University

Veterinary Doctor, Master in Epidemiology, PhD in Epidemiology and Biostatistics, CES University , Medellín, Colombia.

Daniela Monsalve-Arcila, CES university

Student of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics, CES University, Medellín, Colombia.

Camilo Márquez-Villegas, CES University

Veterinary Zootechnician,CES University, Medellín, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Pérez-García J, Monsalve-Arcila D, Márquez-Villegas C. Presence of Parasites and Enterobacteria in Feral Pigeons (Columba Livia) in Urban Areas of Envigado, Colombia. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2015 Oct. 5 [cited 2025 Jan. 31];33(3):370-6. Available from:


