An Educational Intervention with Teachers: Strengthening the Psychosocial Life Skills and Healthy Habits of School Students in Bogotá


  • Blanca P. Mantilla-Uribe Industrial University of Santander
  • Maria del Pilar Oviedo-Cáceres Industrial University of Santander
  • Andrea Hernandez-Quirama Industrial University of Santander
  • Maria C. Hakspiel-Plata Industrial University of Santander



health promotion, habits, community health education, school health


Objective: to determine the results of an educational intervention aimed at teachers to strengthen the healthy habits and psychosocial life skills of children attending elementary schools in public institutions in the city of Bogotá. Methodology: a qualitative study with a descriptive approach whose data collection technique was the focus group. The study sought to use the help of the participants to further understand their experience, methodology, implementation and results of an educational process focusing on health promotion while emphasizing the psychosocial skills for life and healthy habits of school students. The approach proposed by Taylor and Bogdan was taken into account when analyzing the data. Moreover, the analysis was further supported with the ATLAS ti (v. 6.2) software.6.2). Results: participation of teachers in training processes had an impact on various scenarios of their lives. This is how experiences are identified in their personal, family and work life. This can be explained by the following factors: the training process is a novelty, there is a great deal of creativity applied to its teaching and its implementation in educational institutions involves a lot of solidarity. Conclusions: the individuals who took part in the research perceived the participation methodology used in the training process as innovative and important for their adherence to the program, surpassing their initial predisposition to participate.  Furthermore, strengthening the creativity of educators contributes to the teaching practice.

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Author Biographies

Blanca P. Mantilla-Uribe, Industrial University of Santander

Nurse, Master in Pedagogy. Proinapsa Institute of the Industrial University of Santander. Bucaramanga, Colombia.

Maria del Pilar Oviedo-Cáceres, Industrial University of Santander

Optometrist, Master in Public Health, Master in Health Education, Proinapsa Institute of the Industrial University of Santander. Bucaramanga, Colombia.

Andrea Hernandez-Quirama, Industrial University of Santander

Social Worker, PhD in Feminist Research and Gender. Proinapsa Institute of the Industrial University of Santander. Bucaramanga, Colombia.

Maria C. Hakspiel-Plata, Industrial University of Santander

Nurse, specialist in education and sexual orientation. Proinapsa Institute of the Industrial University of Santander. Bucaramanga, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Mantilla-Uribe BP, Oviedo-Cáceres M del P, Hernandez-Quirama A, Hakspiel-Plata MC. An Educational Intervention with Teachers: Strengthening the Psychosocial Life Skills and Healthy Habits of School Students in Bogotá. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2015 Oct. 5 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];33(3):406-13. Available from:


