Description of Attempted Suicide as a Construct of Violence Among Female Pediatric Population


  • Luis F. Guerrero Martínez University of Cartagena



attempted suicide, violence, women, pediatrics, risk factors


Objective: to characterize attempted suicide clinically from the perspective of the construct of violence among female pediatric population. Methodology: a descriptive, retrospective, crosssectional and multivariate study conducted at the Los Ángeles Children's Hospital in the city of Pasto, Nariño. The study
focused on the care provided to female patients aged 10 to 17 and diagnosed with attempted suicide between 2009 and 2014. Results: a total of 97 patients (95% CI, Z = 1.96, e: 10, p= 50%) were studied. There was increased incidence among those aged 13 to 16 (88%). Incidence was predominant in 2011 (37%) and in the months of April, May, July and August. Municipalities of Nariño with more cases: Pasto, La Union, El Tambo (56%), Putumayo (21%). Previous suicide attempts: 33%. Most used mechanism: ingestion of toxic and drugs (92%). Emotional risk factors: having arguments with family members (32%), failed emotional relationships (14%) and different coexistence with their parents (17%). These represent more than 88%. Registration in the determination of domestic violence, sexual abuse and psychoactive substance use (70%).
Rating by psychology (98%), and psychiatry (65%) compared with suicidal ideation and minor follow-up of 5%.
Discussion: the clinical characterization of attempted suicide based on the construct of violence becomes perennial. Furthermore, taking into account the analysis of the different risk factors will make it possible to identify the clinical way to approach patients, the source of an appropriate treatment plan and the monitoring and prevention guidelines as a correlative and reproducible basis for multidisciplinary handling.
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Author Biography

Luis F. Guerrero Martínez, University of Cartagena

Epidemiologist, Surgeon. Pediatric Resident, University of Cartagena. Colombia.


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How to Cite

Guerrero Martínez LF. Description of Attempted Suicide as a Construct of Violence Among Female Pediatric Population. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2016 Sep. 5 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];34(3):306-15. Available from: