Profile of some psychosocial conditions in a group of senior citizens
Psychosocial conditions, protective and deteriorating processesAbstract
Objective: to expose some psychosocial components of se-nior citizens from Caldas, Antioquia, in order to identify pro-tective and deteriorating processes for human and social de-velopment of this population group. Materials and methods: this is a cross-sectional descriptive study with intervention features that takes into account elements of critical epidemi-ology. A stratified multistage survey was conducted as a quan-titative technique for collection of data, and for the qualitative component an intentional sampling was performed. Results: despite the fact that some deteriorating aspects in the level of psychosocial health for senior citizens were found with the application of a geriatric scale of depression (intended to show depression morbid conditions), a reduced number of de-pressed individuals was found. Conclusions: Caldas senior citizens have several compensating socio-cultural mechanisms that into context allow them to face vulnerabilities, to adapt to these and to achieve a more or less successful ageing. This senior citizens group identified vulnerabilities should enhance the diagnostic of their conditions in order to promote the de-velopment of public policies against deteriorating processes, while protective processes should be encourage by different sectors asked to join efforts for the senior citizen protection
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