The Method of Cartography: Knowing and Caring of Singulars Processes
cartography, knowing, caring, singularityAbstract
The constitution of cartography as a method of qualitative research has been an emerging movement in Brazil that involves researchers from various fields of knowledge: education, health, cognition studies, arts, urban planning, among others. In this paper we present and discuss the challenge of consolidating a method that is not intended as a set of predetermined rules, but instead is intended to be an ethics, an aesthetics and a knowledge production policy. We will adopt that some aspects that consolidated the paradigm of scientism are a major problem for the production of knowledge, especially the processes that produced both the devaluation of the singular dimension of reality and the devaluation of care as conditions for knowledge. Starting from the methodology of analysis of implication, we will explore how cartography is committed to engender the reconciliation of knowledge with the singularity and with the ethics of care, as well as the methodological implications and the resulting effects for the production of knowledge.
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