Bringing Together Clinical Work and the Community Perspective: A Current Challenge for Mental Health in the Context of Primary Health Care


  • Marcela Alejandra Parra Autonomous University of Barcelona, Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences



mental health, clinical and community articulation, primary health careprimary health care


Objective: to characterize the intervention strategies used by psychologists in primary health care centers and hospitals of the Metropolitan Sanitary District of Neuquén, Argentina, within the context of primary health care. This study shows the theoretical views influencing these strategies and describes the main facilitating factors and obstacles these professionals faced in their PHC work during 2010. Methodology: the theoretical perspective used in this study takes elements from the evaluation of community mental health programs, concepts from PHC and its links to mental health and contributions from Latin American community psychology. Data were collected by reviewing existing health records, applying surveys and performing interviews. Results: The results show that psychologists develop multiple and varied intervention strategies and that, although all of them fall under the principles of PHC, they focus specifically on care, thus setting aside other dimensions such as health promotion, disease prevention, etc. Discussion and conclusions: In this context, it is postulated that one of the main challenges for mental health professionals working in the context of primary health care is bringing together clinical work and the community perspective rather than contrasting them, which is the usual approach.

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Author Biography

Marcela Alejandra Parra, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences

PhD in Social Psychology, Autonomous University of Barcelona; Master in Social Sciences, Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO), Mexico.


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How to Cite

Parra MA. Bringing Together Clinical Work and the Community Perspective: A Current Challenge for Mental Health in the Context of Primary Health Care. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2016 Feb. 15 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];34(1):30-7. Available from: