Ae. Aegypti Home Infestation Related Factors in the Township of Manzanillo, in the City of Itagui (Antioquia), 2015
Aedes aegypti, dengue, risk factors, vector insects, environmentAbstract
Introduction: Ae. Aegypti is a species adapted to urban environments. It is the vector of several viral diseases including dengue, Zika and chikungunya. Objective: Determine demographic, social-ambiental and environmental factors and knowledge and custom factors related to Ae. aegypti home infestation, in the township of Manzanillo, in the City of Itagui in 2015. Methodology: Observational quantitative study from October to December 2015. The study population was formed by houses in the 8 rural areas of the township. A survey was conducted regarding demographic factors, social-economic factors, environmental factors, knowledge and custom factors and Aedic measurement using (LIRAa) technique. Results: 400 surveys were analyzed. Most of the people interview were women of ages ranging from 18 to 33, who cohabited with their partners, and were members of contributive healthcare scheme. The largest part of the houses belonged to homeowners ranging from stratum 1 to stratum 2 which were inhabited by 1 to 4 people. The people interview did not have much knowledge regarding dengue or participating in prevention campaigns. Of the eight rural areas, El Ajizal had the highest aedic indexes. The principal factors were potentially related to Ae. aegypti home infestation were living close to places where people dump garbage, storing water in the house and poor control of standing water. Conclusions: It is necessary to arrange Community Education programs with inhabitants’ active aware participation with an emphasis on measures that reduce home infestation.
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