Health Promotion Program in an Informal Workplace in Corabastos, Bogotá: A Participatory Perspective




health promotion, research, participatory action, working conditions, informal sector


Objective: The objective of the research was to create a participatory health promotion program in an informal workplace in Corabastos, Bogotá, during 2016 and 2017. Methodology: It was developed in four stages: 1) mobilizing, which involved achieving the commitment of the main stakeholders; 2) organizing, in order to establish a group devoted to the transformation and improvement of health and working conditions; 3) building, which involved creating a health plan as a roadmap to act upon and transform informal working conditions; and 4) acting, that is, contributing to the promotion of health in informal workplaces. Results: a group of ten informal workers and an external researcher was created; collective participation and consensual validation of the entire process was promoted. Problems were identified and prioritized and the health plan was built considering the objectives of achieving an adequate waste management, defending informal workplaces from the repressive actions of the public force, improving the quality of the products to be sold, strengthening access to health services and establishing economic work alternatives. The study enabled dialogue and collective participation of workers in all stages as well as the community's appropriation of the research. The methodology provided tools to empower workers by recognizing their own capabilities and enabling them to put them into action in order to obtain local transformations.

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Author Biographies

Pablo Edilberto Torres Acevedo, National University of Colombia, National University Hospital

Occupational Health Specialist. National University of Colombia. sede Bogotá, Colombia. Nurse at the National University Hospital.

Alba Idaly Muñoz Sánchez, National University of Colombia

PhD in Nursing. Professor at the National University of Colombia, Bogota. Colombia.


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How to Cite

Torres Acevedo PE, Muñoz Sánchez AI. Health Promotion Program in an Informal Workplace in Corabastos, Bogotá: A Participatory Perspective. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2019 May 31 [cited 2025 Feb. 8];37(2):22-35. Available from:



Salud de los trabajadores